Increasingly, search is our mechanism for how we understand ourselves, our world, and our place within it
Brand To Market can do as much, or as little for your brand as you prefer. This outline breaks down some of the available options we can provide for you, as well as provides a Pay Pal cart for each option you select, so when you are finished selecting our provided services you can make one easy payment accordingly. Just click on the “add to cart” button on items you wish to purchase and it will generate a shopping cart at the top of this page. You can continue adding additional services and when you’re finished making your selections, just click on the pay tab at within the checkout area and it will process your total and take you to Pay Pal to finalize your purchase. Thank-you for your business!
1. Domain Name Investigation: This option is for those who do not currently have a website or domain name. We will investigate/explore all the possible “Domain Name” options for your particular brand and supply you with your options. We will let you know what we believe is the best available choice for your particular brand, so you can then purchase the domain name, and register it. We love working with GoDaddy, and recommend that company for domain purchase, domain registration, and domain hosting. Domain Name Investigation Fee: $65.00
2. Brand To Market Handles Your Domain Name Purchase and Registration Process: Brand To Market can purchase and register your newly decided domain name in our GoDaddy account, saving you the time and the head-ache of doing it yourself, and will bill you annually when the renewal comes due each year. This option covers; our set-up time with GoDaddy, adding your data (screen names, passwords) to our master client file, and forwarding you all the data information, as well it covers the 1st year registration fee cost for your domain. Domain Name Purchase and Registration Fee: $75.00
3. Web Hosting Service: Brand To Market can handle your brands domain web hosting plan on an annual basis, or you can set up your own hosting plan with GoDaddy, while you are setting up your Domain Name and registration. You can save a little money by setting up your own hosting plan, but it is a hassle, and a head-ache if you have never done that before. Annual Hosting Fee for Small Brands (up to 6 web pages in website): $175.00
4. Basic WordPress Theme Website: Brand to Market will install a basic WordPress Theme website into your domain account, and then build the website around your brand, with up to 5 detailed pages; including a menu bar that displays the content pages of your website, ie a “home” page, a “contact” page and a “blog” page, if you wish. Each page can include a couple of images including graphic art, if you can provide ready to load content. As well as brief description of the page content. We charge extra for building your brands graphic images, and editing any of your provided pictures to make your site look as good as possible, which is billed on an hourly basis. We prefer that you hire one of our professional photographers to shoot your brands products, or your place of business, and it’s specifics. Image is everything and says a lot about your brand, and plays a big role in gaining new customers. (photography option is down below). This basic web package is the least expensive way to go, but it’s very popular these days, and is easily tied to Facebook, Twitter and other social media websites your brand should have. We can also purchase a premium Word Press Theme for your brand and install it. (see more on that below). Basic WordPress Theme Website Installation and Building Fee: $750.00
5. Premium Theme WordPress Website: Brand to Market can install any of the premium themes currently available in the market place, and will give you a price quote based on the theme cost you wish to use, its installation fee, and us building it around your brand. Unfortunately, every Premium Theme is different, they are each built by different creators/developers, so every theme comes with various options, as well as a learning curve. We work as diligently as possible to master new premium themes, but until your website is fully built around your brand, and is working properly, and to your satisfaction, the quote we give you is an estimate only.
The current theme on the Brand To Market website is available and can be edited specifically to your brand; including changing out all the images and verbiage content, background page colors, fonts. The price for the theme edited and installed on your domain is $3500.00
6. Editing Your Basic WordPress Website After It’s Completed: Brand to Market is available on an hourly basis to do any tweaking, changes, updates, blog posts to your new website. We have a one hour minimum, which can usually handle most basic edits. Basic Edit Fee: $65.00
7. Connecting your WordPress website with Google Webmaster Tools, Google Analytic’s and Google+ Pages: This step is crucial to obtaining better search engine results in Google, but will really become a necessity as Google is changing a lot of its format. With this plan option you will be able to monitor your websites hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly traffic, and where it’s coming from. This plan requires setting up a personal and a business page for your brand within Google+, and adding html codes within your word press site that proves you are the author and the publisher of your brands website. It’s a process that is not for the beginner or immediate web person, but is a very important step with the direction Google is now going and is highly, highly recommended. This is a 5 to 6 hour job and requires multiple days to process. Google Set Up and Sync Fee $375.00
8. Domain Name Renewal: All domains names are subject to annual renewal. For those who hired us to set up your domain we charge an annual amount to cover the fee amount and our processing fee to renew your domain name. The annual domain renewal runs $35.00
9. Testing Your Existing Website in Multiple 3rd Party Testing Sites: With this option I run quite a few different tests on your existing website to help determine its performance level for download speed, coding errors, and other issues with it that can be negatively effecting you traffic and organic search engine rankings. These tests help me determine a game plan to improve your website’s performance and effectiveness. You be provided a breakdown presentation of found issues, including screen shots of the various test results. $65.00
10. Creating Social Media Pages For Your Brand:With this option, we can create a page for your brand in various social media websites; including Facebook, Twitter, Houzz, Pinterest, and Youtube, or depending on what your brand is all about. We charge an hour fee per each social media page set up. We will help you determine the best sites for your brand, and depending on how many sites you choose, click on the cart multiple times to cover the amount of social sites you prefer. 1 Social Media Page Fee: $65.00
11. Professional Photo Shoot: Brand to Market will orchestrate and produce a basic pro photo-shoot of your brand, and it’s product line, including your place of business. The photo-shoot will be done by one of our two premier photographers, their work example is are in the photography section of oue website. Each of our photographers have a 6-hour minimum requirement, that includes their set up time at your location, lights and staging, the actual photo shoot, and image editing after the shoot. This basic pro photo-shoot can cover most small brand websites; including small business owners. Any additional time due to a large amount of product content is billed hourly. Basic Photo-Shoot Fee: $600.00
(more photography packages coming soon)
12. Basic SEO Package For Basic WordPress Website: Implementing an SEO package on a basic WordPress website (5 to 8 page website) takes as much time to install as it takes to build the website, but without doing SEO implementation on your website, you aren’t doing your brand much good. We will design a basic SEO plan of action and implement multiple key words and phrases into the websites HTML, which helps get your website discovered. The basic SEO package will probably not get you 1st page search engine results (every brands dream), especially if your competition is massive, or you’re brand is based in a large metropolitan city like; Dallas, Houston or San Antonio, but it’s definitely much better than not having any SEO implementation at all. If your brand is located in a major city we recommend the mid-level, or advanced SEO package (depending on the amount of pages your website features) to get your rankings where they deserve to be. This package is ideal for small town America and for non competitive brands. A $250 monthly service is required with this plan for the first year (we bill you monthly on it), as well as adding SEO in up to 10 monthly blog posts, which helps increase your online presence and traffic even more. The monthly service plan is needed during the first year to achieve best long term results. Basic SEO Implementation Package Fee: $2500.00
13. Mid-Level SEO Package For WordPress Website: The Mid Level SEO package (8 to 12 page website) is designed for websites that are a little more detailed, feature more pictures and pages, than the basic website. Each page will have mapped out SEO implementation incorporated into the site, as well as plugins added that promote better SEO results. This package is ideal for brands in mid size to large towns, but doesn’t have many pages or pictures to properly market. Each page within the site will have its own SEO theme implemented into the visual content, and hidden content we add to the website. A $400 monthly service is required with this plan for the first year (we bill you monthly on it), as well as adding SEO in up to 12 monthly blog posts, which helps increase your online presence and traffic even more. The monthly service plan is needed during the first year to achieve best long term results. Mid Level SEO Implementation Package Fee: $4500.00
14. Advanced SEO Package For Advance Level WordPress Website: The Advanced Package (12 to 18 page website) includes everything that the Basic Package and Mid-Level Package includes, but twice as much work is done to your website. Each page, including the visual content, the hidden content and the pictures will have their very own SEO theme, with plugin added and key words and meta tags strategy implemented. Each page becomes its own mini website from an SEO stand point. This package also includes a a one hour tweaking/editing session every month for the first 6 months after the package is implemented. Our goal and mission with all of our packages is to land your brand on the 1st page in Google, Yahoo and Bing, but we highly recommend the advanced package if you’re serious about increasing your online presence and exposure. A $650 monthly service is required with this plan for the first year (we bill you monthly on it), as well as adding SEO in up to 20 monthly blog posts, which helps increase your online presence and traffic even more. The monthly service plan is needed during the first year to achieve best long term results. Advanced SEO Package Fee: $7500.00 (retail value $50,000.00 Mark Cuban – Shark Tank Episode)
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